467 1 1
Through a curtain of dark hair only part of the girl's face could be seen. Her expression embodied a reticent sort of tolerance.
216 41 19
I can not tell
you where he went.
1391 4 1
Refuse to go to the church service, even though you already missed the funeral. Tell his mother something came up. Call his phone over and over, just to hear his voice, until his mother asks you to stop. Make a recording of his voicemail. Delete it an
1753 8 5
This is where he died, she says to me, and points to the damp pavement. Her hair is wet, and slicked against her neck. The humidity is making everything engulf her. The sleep shorts I bought her last July are loose on her now, but between the rain and
49 2 0
Foley was a bit drunk and a little blue after having spent the morning drinking with the usual crowd at the Breeze Inn.
1214 3 1
It was a phone call we never expected. You were so full of life and joy and the sound of your laugh was pierced in our minds. Two strokes. That's what they said. No explanation, no back story. We worried we would lose you. Immediately, all of our memories with you started…
1604 1 0
But she knew what she would find. She knew it all the moment she felt the sticky fingerprints behind the slat of her old oak slay bed. The fingerprints that would only be left from a person grabbing it from behind their head. The fingerprints that she
908 3 2
In the bathroom, while waiting for a urinal, I remembered a scene from the film.
85 1 1
Mushrooms. Foley was a bit drunk and a little blue after having spent the morning drinking with the usual crowd at the Breeze Inn. One of the regulars had mentioned old Red and it was a damned shame they couldn't find him. Probably got himself lost in…
694 9 7