3062 5 5
"A little knowledge truly is a dangerous thing."
1372 8 4
Under no circumstances can you say "fuck" when you're working in a public library.
Especially in the junior room.
1340 7 5
What's the weirdest thing you've ever used as a bookmark? I work in a library. I've seen that, and more.
4027 5 4
I'm not a librarian. I'm an Information Goddess.
4303 3 2
If you work in a library, you work with book carts, so naturally you give them nicknames. You could call your faithful book cart Bumpy, Squeaky, Rusty or Tipsy. But surely you can do better than that! Here's…
2107 11 9
So, as the lines on my face grow more pronounced, the lines on my finger prints are fading away?
All I can say is that it's a damn shame it's not the other way around.
1357 6 5
Is every librarian a poet at heart? I don't know, but a group of librarians recently put their heads together and came up with these library-themed Valentine's Day poems: Roses are red Your book's overdue You've had it for months Which is…