I slept through my first hurricane. Frederic struck late at night, and I was barely five years old and worn out from a long day of trailing my parents as they prepared for the storm--“battening down the hatches,” as they called it.By the time we bedded down in the hallway,…
"Tell me things I won't mind forgetting," she said. "Make it useless stuff or skip it."
Sure, it was a hot day, but the driver was in the middle of a driving lesson!
“What about the other groups coming here?” I ask. “Were they asked what they wanted in these houses?” She turns and looks at me, like I've suddenly come onto her radar.
“I love women. They’re like goddesses.”
Incredibly he began to picture in his mind a scene not related at all to his frenzied search but of a huge plate of apple pie a la mode with the vanilla ice cream melting in streams like cool lava down the side of the pie and off of the plate.
Chant the ice cream mantra.
Prance the do dah day ballet.
Trot the t-bone tango two-step.
Dance the livelong day away.
It's a pretty strange feeling when you think you're about to bite into some ice cream and instead it's gazpacho.
As the light changed and exhaustion set in, Suzy and Molly batted back and forth one more knock knock joke to avoid going home.