It’s the longing from another life inside that pulls me along by the fine hairs below my navel, exposed at the midriff, and by the short fine hair at my neck, also the dense bunch between my legs, as you might imagine. And it’s the longing of the love I
The thought of losing time causes such fear that time itself, in the form of moments, comes and goes without us realizing that it doesn't wait for anyone or anything.
As Susan drove the last stretch home, she couldn't help but press the accelerator a bit deeper than usual. Her car zipped passed the neighborhood houses, which were of mostly brick construction, with two car garages and freshly mulched islands of spring flowers.…
She found herself suddenly awake at five. She laid there in their bed while downstairs the coffee maker waited for her to press its button so it might gurgle and hiss, filling the pot with wakefulness. The dishwasher waited too, waited for her to throw its latch…
The fame of the underworld may spread its cheeks and blow out nearly every virgin’s candle, just so you know. But don’t let them take away our youth, even if we have to beat the paint out of birds, the way we did when we were young. I knew we could do any
I felt the book had been expecting me ...
Dream, swan, dream of your woman, whenever you get hold of her. Problem after problem lets up under the grip you have. And conquest without plan is what you’ve added to the world. So, share your songs under wild silk, won’t you? I remember there was hel
Our flesh was on fire like a flute with wind, or a little reed next to the dried river. I was like a voyeur whose heart was a sponge, brushing up against all that disturbed man. I was only and ever the flower of our notorious youth, aware of more than the
Me undressing at the side of the road, broken like an unstrung Sappho, blood lust going full force. Sexual organs like living rooms, exposed before God and everyone. Lights came on across the reservoir, and I was down on all fours in the cinders and dust,
They watch her, scald her skin with hot eyes whose stares run up and down her body like lice.
Your mother is a great and dying bird. Once, she tended her grand feathered nest. Once, she preened.
don’t let them take away our youth, even if we have to beat the paint out of birds the way we did when we were young. I knew we could do anything, so let’s go back into that world and describe the new dawn all over again, even if we have to use the frozen
Now that was some root beer float!
She pulls up in front of Fenton’s Ice Cream Parlor and leaves the motor running while I jump out and run into the parlor.
It was early evening. We HAD to have a root beer float. You know how that feeling can
He looked around the gym, which perhaps knew him better than he knew himself, and thought aloud: I'm starting to see what I didn't learn in life while I spent all of my time in here.
“No Jumping!” Med.z Tony says.
I pull open my switchblade and dust off my shoulder.