1453 4 2
About halfway through reading some book that was supposed to be some really deep shit, I decided to write my own book instead.
2515 4 3
He nuzzled the breasts with his face for a moment, his leathery skin and tangles of hair tickling her in the process.
41 6 3
he old man shaves with his electric Remington razor the morning the baby dies. The shrill echo of the phone in the hall brings him thundering down the stairs and as he stands there in his string vest and y-fronts he begins to shake. I make it halfway down
174 0 0
74 Quick Sleep, 2087There was no sense of time for them, other than the fact that Corina was born on the day of the incursion. Kenton smiled as he looked upon his youngest daughter, the youngest in their roving band of survivors. She was covered in dirt and debris, as was…
1281 0 0
I found him dead underneath a sycamore tree. I knew it was a sycamore tree because of all the acorns surrounding the body.
1749 13 6
Less than a hundred adults remain, predominately women, along with several dozen children of various ages. Most of their men were killed in a territorial war six moons previous.
1354 1 0
"I always disliked such display of religious fervor. I dislike religious fervor. Period."
1273 4 1
A heart which is alive despite everything in the world that wants to deaden it.
1257 2 0
when women’s hair shrinks into tight curly balls and sits on top of their heads like scrunches of wool, blowing in the wind, hanging from the mouths of recently shot deer.
1210 2 1
Slipshod shoes were the first sign of a meltdown. Sometimes she could see it coming. A prickly gentleman washing his clothes on a Thursday afternoon. One week he’s fine. Nothing wrong with owning a sour face. The next Thursday, his shoes don’t match.
2101 21 13
‘I love you' said the man at the book signing.
He was one of the last. The shop was closing. The staff were starting to turn off the lights. She was sitting in the glow of a table lamp with her latest novel in stacks around her.
3889 10 5
Honey, you eat this salmon, now
195 17 11
Never hide the trauma, neuroses, ignorance that you possess. Proudly display these. Never be ashamed of what makes you unique, conflicted, complicated. Beware of self-indulgence, abstractions, and the need to give away answers. Never cover up the individu
1694 2 0
The specialist had kept what he'd taken out of Sue May. I made an appointment with him and was shown it floating in a jar of clean unguent.
1204 0 1
The two of them stood at the long end of a pier that cut sharp into an L 25 feet out into the river. It was an old wooden pier that relished in its every crack and splinter regardless of the fresh coat of white paint that melted lazily over the rotting bo