Stories tagged drabble

While We Fuck

20402040 views1717 comments33 favs

When you push my bra down, so it rests uncomfortably beneath my breasts—your teeth dragging pink trails across my throat and shoulders, pushing your thumb and forefinger into my panties—you don't say that you love me. You say, “Jesus shit. Relax, baby,…

Habits Die Hard

12831283 views1111 comments22 favs

Although radiation and chemo rendered him a wraith...

DishPit 2050

129129 views11 comment00 favs

It was going on 15:00. The dish pit was slamming. It had been since eleven. Tommy grabbed some plates and put these on the line. Any sign of Tony? Tommy asked Chef. Not yet, Chef said. He said yesterday he didn't feel well. It's the 40 oz. flu. He's had that before. …

The New Girl

140140 views00 comments00 favs

The new girl is weird. She's pretty but wears cheap, tacky clothes and no makeup. Maybe she's dumb or shy. Her cubicle's beside mine. I tried talking to her between calls but she ignored me. She said her name's Pandora or something weird like that. …

Not Without a Fight

107107 views00 comments11 fav

They travelled across the ocean's floor in a cloud of black ink and tentacles. Behind them was a waste of metal and glass and escaping gasses. A few men scrambled through the debris in wetsuits, trying to evade the stinging spume and the jagged quills littering the remains…

Not Just Vegans

4747 views00 comments00 favs

V4 is a hot, humid planet in the Signi System. Its climate is ideally suited for producing our world's rice supply. The first colonists reported great success in converting the wetlands into fertile paddies. Shipments of V4 rice began to arrive via wormhole last…

Fellow Scavengers

5353 views00 comments00 favs

In the weeks after the blasts, Benton wandered the wastes looking for radioactive material from the bomb. If he didn't eat soon he would die. He would join the numberless others. Charred, decaying shrapnel lay buried in the rubble of what used to be…

Final Transmission

4141 views00 comments00 favs

Two months into the mission we were all losing our minds. Everyone who ate in the mess from Day 40 and onward was poisoned. The dispensary was soon overrun by crew members seeking an antidote for the hallucinations. By Day 50 most of the crew was dead. …

Happy Returns

3939 views00 comments00 favs

It had been ages since Marv was last home. Nothing seemed to change much in the town. The leaves were falling from the trees which lined the streets of his neighbourhood. Children went from house to house ringing doorbells. They screamed and ran…

Stay Awhile

4040 views00 comments00 favs

“Oswald…” He could hear voices and scuffling feet overhead. Normally it was dead quiet, except for the hum of the furnace. How long had it been? How many years had passed? The door at the top of the stairs flew open, and the…

Waiting for a Sign

5151 views00 comments00 favs

They were a motley crew, assembled in Farmer Brown's garden. A red moon hung low in the sky like something bleeding. A hologram rippled across the teeming clouds; orange, black, and leering. “That's it,” the scarecrow said.…

Crimson Christmas

4545 views00 comments00 favs

The snowman grinned malevolently as flames licked the cabin's roof. The twins escaped first. Amanda pulled Andrew by the hand. They gave the snowman only a fleeting glance before disappearing into the woods. Next was Kringle, the hound. He swerved around the…


4242 views00 comments00 favs

The lunch rush started late and lasted for nearly two hours. Tommy fell into a routine: rack, scrub, spray, and push. The machine never stopped except when the filter got jammed up. Pans, the cooks would shout. We need fucking pans! There's only one of me assholes, Tommy…

Point and Click

4545 views00 comments00 favs

It was nearly dinnertime. In his segment of the pod Alvin could hear his wife and child stirring. Soon they would emerge from their chemically-induced coma. Alvin peered into the cellar. The traps were bare. He used the web to dial a wormhole. It opened to…

Nostalgia Fix

4444 views00 comments00 favs

On Monday we got the implants. On Thursday I found the box of tapes. One tape was of Dad's old band, “Rocktober”. It was recorded in 2017. That afternoon I biked over to Phil's Photo Finishing. Phil transferred Dad's tape to VR. The…