1509 0 0
Dear Bess —
I go to the First Assembly of God's church. (a Praising Spirit-Filled Fellowship.) It is in Maui. Dr. James Morocco, Senior Pastor. He has been pastoring the church for over twenty years.
My, what a big change I am finding in my new l
1459 5 0
In a little dirt church at the end of the world stands the ikon of an unrecognized saint.
1083 0 0
if you have a key fob, you are fired. If you have a real set of keys, you can stay
1296 6 2
I pasted a sample paragraph of my writing on the website 'Who do you write like?'.
1192 4 1
"Now, here daddy was on the back porch at night talking with some man about leaving."
85 15 11
Politically, legally, physically, we're all shit out of luck.
262 36 14
to be or not to be, that is the question, marriage is at stake in this little tome
1131 2 2
1176 0 0
“Yeah, she's a real slut,” many contestants' mothers say.
“If he could only keep it in his pants, he'd probably be able to stay in the country,” others say about their sons
1155 5 4
I had the idea for a pageant for my obedience school at spring graduation
1759 17 10
Trent’s had many phases: Madonna, Bette, leather, water sports, rollerblading, haiku, chicken queen, rice queen, muscle queen, daddy. But religion? This is new.
122 44 19
My mother, now a girl again, cares for ex-cons.
1265 5 5
The first time Momma shows me a demon is during revival week at church.
178 4 3
an old Jaguar S-Type pulled over and the driver honked its horn. I picked up my bag and ran toward the car. A tiny old man sat in the driver’s seat, a black and white Collie beside him on the ground. The back seat was missing entirely and three chickens
184 9 5
The clouds above the Dublin Mountains are like singed cotton balls and the rose bush branches tremble in the north wind Mam hates so much. The lawn is a frozen square of muck, the white frost crusted on the few blades of grass left standing.