1596 2 1
Lee found a ship’s figurehead in a dumpster behind some shitty Indian restaurant last night.
1066 8 0
1363 0 0
Sometimes I have really violent dreams where I smash Libby’s face in with a liquor bottle, a brick, a mounted boar’s head... really whatever my brain makes available to me. I always wake up satisfied.
1618 1 0
It's possible I was having an acid flashback or some kind of semi-conscious when I opened the door of #3.
1244 1 0
They gave Lee a bunch of morphine in the ambulance and he came to vaguely, murmuring shit about God and mermaids.
1295 6 2
I pasted a sample paragraph of my writing on the website 'Who do you write like?'.
1056 15 10
The mirror can never talk back/
unless corrupted creases of the brain/
and its recombinant physical maladies//
elect to answer...
199 18 15