7056 20 17
The woman returns from the store with an armload of books. She reads them quickly, one by one, over the course of the next few weeks. But when she opens the last one, the woman frowns in surprise.
All the pages in the book are blank.
Every single one.
122 10 2
I bring the telephone into the kitchen and stand over the paraphernalia as if to transmit the calamitous image down the line.
74 7 4
"Fifty is prolly as high
as I go," says a broker voice; now,
the chippy is cupping her breasts,
1455 4 2
About halfway through reading some book that was supposed to be some really deep shit, I decided to write my own book instead.
13940 0 0
Two giant greasy hands were working those breasts hard, squeezing and tugging and pulling. She didn't holler.
37 0 0
Like all libraries, the one run by Grant had the floors blanketed with a harsh silence. No noises aside from the familiar squeals of chairs moving or the heavy footsteps that struck the solid hardwood floor were made. Silence was needed to …
104 10 2
I talked to a kid who claimed
he'd been a soldier, and roadie
for Alice In Chains
53 0 0
Why The Plumber thought it was getting hot puzzled Crandall. There was a nice breeze circulating and the air did not feel hot to him. But maybe out west the wind blew harder and the sun was less bright than it was in Kentucky. Maybe people could see their
1350 7 5
What's the weirdest thing you've ever used as a bookmark? I work in a library. I've seen that, and more.
64 12 11
No second printing, the first being an ample supply.
1063 1 2
In today’s print-on-demand and digital world, there are unlimited avenues for aspiring writers to circulate their work, but deregulation and limitlessness often leads to chaos. Writers are more inclined to release unpolished work that fails to rise to the
1650 16 13
I shuddered. This is how we are chosen
by strange and silent hands.
1265 7 5
Why would anyone stash a used condom in a Bible?