Stories tagged window

Saw Her

14881488 views66 comments11 fav

Just like that. He heard her words clearly from the top floor of the five story apartment building. The unexpected change in weather made it mandatory for him to open his window.

Good Belongs to You

10661066 views22 comments11 fav

I hope you enjoyed the celebration last night. Good things always come to you. I thought your family would never go home. I didn't get to sleep this morning until 2:59, although I had set my alarm to 6:10. I didn't want you to miss your plane. At daybreak,…

From an airplane window

136136 views11 comment11 fav

I see rain & sunshine taking turns/ over lagoons & in the distance/ just how bad Hurricane Earl could be.

I've Bought You A Present

11281128 views22 comments11 fav

Look out your window and know that the universe conspired to craft the sunrise for your morning tea, the mug clasped in hand, the light bouncing from the balcony railing. The empty seat next to you will always be filled and I will never properly thank y

Curiosity In Pixelated Lullabies.

454454 views22 comments00 favs

She sits in front of me/Not for my skin’s comfort/But for digital reaction