1245 2 0
The bearded old man, raised his weary body from the bedroll he had slept on last night and slowly stood up. Bones creaked as he worked the stiffness out of his joints, the pain and memory of endless days and nights riding the…
1144 2 0
The location : Vic's Seedy Space Bar. No, that's not just a description, that's the real name.
1024 0 0
It was a bright day in April, the cruelest month, and the gears and pumps of the train beat on into the still air.
1005 1 0
Bree was mean as a bag of snakes and had done laid out most of the eligible bachelors in Culloden County at one time or another to the tune that at this point no man who’d heard of her wanted much truck with her.
260 1 1
“You. Are. Out. Of. Your. Mind.” Cole poured another drink.
“Wrong again. It's you who are out of my mind. Or the author's mind. Depends on how you look at it, really. Authors take a lot of credit that belongs to their muse.”
1190 1 1
It was two days to town. His horse could only go one.
880 2 2
The bull had flesh of a deep red that turned black where the massive muscles knotted. Colt thought of the way blood turns black when it pools too deep. There was nothing but muscle, an intricate network of coarse fibers woven tightly and wrapped in a thin
1230 3 2
The most beautiful possible thing is to deprive all places of their meanings.
721 8 7
I want a perfect American life
in shambles.
223 2 1
Today I saw a magician die. Maybe it was just my luck to be in the wrong place again, that’s how I got this crooked scar on my face--a jealous lover who thought I was cheating on him.
1145 5 4