12 0 0
"...no one knows, when they wear it
fractal tresses flow,
as smart smoke..."
1051 5 2
i built a house in the trees
before i lived in the sky
54 2 1
The drowsy Koi don't seem alarmed.Their muddy pool has tilted some.This dream they're dreaming is nature's charm.The river spirit means no harm.So strokes their whiskers with his thumb.The drowsy Koi don't seem alarmed.Then thunder shook the towns and farms.All creatures…
15 0 0
The art of boozing isn't just for bastards.
Their art survives though artists court disaster.
395 1 0
When I was five, I wanted a lollipop store, shelves shining with jars, flavors on displayand where I could eat free candy galore I'd sell each pop for ten cents or maybe three fora quarter and tie them in bunches like Sunflower bouquets.When I was…
323 4 3
I grade to teach and serve my grading cold.
/ I speak my mind where they cannot hear. / I work by going where I'm told to go.
321 6 6
Here we are in crisscross gowns, watching a terminal Oregon woman tuck her kill-me pills in a billfold. Lumpectomy scar, five months dense, inwardly drawn --