Stories tagged technology

Wishes Shovel Best

11171117 views00 comments00 favs

Just as he expected, the reaction was spontaneous, euphoric and unequivocally positive. With just one exception. A politician connected with the home service of his parliamentary section's boss, with the mobile phone number 0-609-3459812, and known for hi


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It took the entire world to fix the hole in the System. Chinese Control Officers, Eskimo Energy Anthropologists, US Department of Technology Practitioners, Canadian Space Enthusiasts, and Croatian Computer Component Manufacturers—anyone and everyone.

Round the World Now

16521652 views22 comments22 favs

It's true that he had always been more pure than her, looking for the authentic experience, authentic food. And more adventurous. Blogging their way around the world, yes, that had been his idea . . .

They Would Judge His Trespasses

11531153 views77 comments22 favs

They waited until the crowd was gone before making their move. Gill kept watch while Warren bypassed the lock. “You sure about this?” Gill whispered. Voices echoed down the hall of the museum.

The Robotic Intelligence Test

10791079 views11 comment00 favs

In the last test Anna barely managed to stay within the limit, but right now she had problems with her father in law who’s been luring her husband into alcohol, and with her husband who’s been luring the father in law into drugs.

Rent a DNA

10771077 views00 comments00 favs

“Yo, Paciorek. Lend me your DNA, cuz I left mine on the farm, and I have a test tomorrow,” Feller ordered in a commanding voice, because he had gumption.

Video from Cairo

10271027 views11 comment00 favs

The view from the tenth floor of Ramses Hilton hotel was depressing. A restless crowd undulated between the wrecks of tanks and armored cars. JOURNALIST: Hey! I’m dying here, and you admire the views?

HarmonyX: Post 1

365365 views22 comments11 fav

Every time she tried to wipe the horror images out of her mind they only etched themselves deeper into her consciousness. The slain human blood left a bitter-sweet sickness at the back of her throat.

My Sole Skype Experience

128128 views77 comments11 fav

"Don't you have something bigger?" he asked via Yahoo. "I don't eat cucumbers," I typed back.

Heirlooms, an excerpt

135135 views00 comments00 favs

She was the only girl born on January 16th, 1986 in Pennsylvania. A local celebrity by the time she was one hour old. Somewhere there is grainy footage from a local network affiliate of bemused newscasters rushing to cover the story first, their belly fu

I want to make your babies

310310 views4242 comments2323 favs

Give me hard men with Montana eyes two-stepping in reptile boots.

Stairway to Heaven

11021102 views22 comments22 favs

Man, technology fuckin’ sucks! I been ridin’ dis train for almost fif’een years now.

Autocorrect loves u

265265 views2828 comments2626 favs

Best hex ever.

Facebook Man

280280 views11 comment11 fav

And then I made my fatal mistake, which was to have mercy on Facebook Man. I had run out of tortures or maybe the man had nothing to give me. He seemed to be made out of semi-translucent fiberglass. I let go of his throat and sat down on the floor, leanin

That one night that was like all the other nights.

934934 views22 comments22 favs

My iPhone screen illuminates, vibrating on the bar. It amuses me to no end to see my comrades seated upon the neighboring stools grasp anxiously at their phones, parallel companions to their beers. I can almost read the thoughts accompanying their…