998 1 0
Sometimes, to be sad, you don't need tears.
353 31 20
I sat there for two hours, waiting for you.
1180 0 0
I was awakened by a disturbing dream. He was no longer with me and I felt afraid. Everything was cloudy, almost blurry. I couldn't see much in front of me, but I knew for sure he wasn't there with me. Then he said the words I feared the most “I don't love you.…
66 1 0
The young mother slowly moved along the counter at Macy's, glancing at the sparkling bottles and attractive packages of scented soaps and powders. She reached for a bottle, then hesitated, looking…
1056 2 2
the small break of consciousness that is my dreamswaterso much wateri can never forgive the watertoo many tears
1197 3 1
It was a phone call we never expected. You were so full of life and joy and the sound of your laugh was pierced in our minds. Two strokes. That's what they said. No explanation, no back story. We worried we would lose you. Immediately, all of our memories with you started…
1622 9 6
He told me he could feel an army of tears building up behind his eyes.
791 1 0
Just another day The rain came from above Wishing I was far away To realize it's just love The echoing heartaches shatter these walls Breaking down the corridors of this lie I know I'm not the only one she calls There's no reason for me…
1016 1 1
The clouds cried more than silver tears,
this time.
212 21 16
1245 9 10
it's time for the cold, antiseptic
cloth to briskly remove the evidence.
1163 12 6
The Catholic wedding was my idea even though the only god I believe in is Gary Stewart's vibrato (especially in "Ten Years of This").
851 3 3
Jo was tailored, Amy was frivolous with ribbons and bows, Meg was plain and sensible; and Beth, who was ill and had no costume changes, wore the same nightgown throughout the dress-up session.