Stories tagged tea


345345 views2929 comments1414 favs

Nobody calls on the dead

Tea with Mrs. Doyle

21822182 views3636 comments1616 favs

I looked at it awhile waiting for it to cool. She said, "Ahh, go on! - Go on, go on.”

Foreign Accent Syndrome

4141 views22 comments11 fav

Most people thought she was a bitch as soon as she said hello.

Please Take

13081308 views44 comments44 favs

I have a ball-pein hammer in my coat pocket.

Grandmother's heirloom

338338 views44 comments44 favs

No glue can reunite this tea set wreck. The refrigerator clicks and hums, towers over, swallows me in shadow.

Cocoa Instead

11261126 views33 comments11 fav

While waiting for the water to boil she formulated an excuse that the Saitos would be forced to accept as to why she must drop Isuko as a student. Suddenly the kettle sung out like a soprano, desperate to be silenced.

I've Bought You A Present

11461146 views22 comments11 fav

Look out your window and know that the universe conspired to craft the sunrise for your morning tea, the mug clasped in hand, the light bouncing from the balcony railing. The empty seat next to you will always be filled and I will never properly thank y


12281228 views88 comments66 favs

Your laugh used to startle the nurses.