Stories tagged swimming

Marguerite in Idaho

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Funny, that Idaho should be last. Funny, odd—not funny, haha. Marguerite had been to every other state. Gone skinny-dipping in a clear alpine lake in Colorado, a murky kettle-bottom pond in Wisconsin, below the dunes on Cape Cod, with surfers off Oahu.

Swimming Lessons

14911491 views88 comments00 favs

The trainers looked at her and smiled and they were still one creature with four legs and two heads. The old man’s left eye moved in sync with the younger one’s right eye.

Swimming with Tongues

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His subway job offered some protection, but the layering of earth was nothing compared to what water did to insulate him from the Sacred. And that’s what he wanted. Peace from God. Five fathoms down usually did it.


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“Well, there you go. Jesus won't let you drown.” They all looked at each other in agreement as one of them said this. I looked all over the pool room. I didn't see Him. Through tears and in between sobs I told them so.

(4) Caution

10271027 views00 comments00 favs

“You shouldn’t have gone inside,” he said, after she told him what had happened. “I know that’s what you’re used to doing here, with people we know. But he’s not from around here. Don’t go back over there, okay?”

Butterfly Man

12321232 views1111 comments33 favs

Now it was black line, wall, turn, and black line.

Pineapple Juice

161161 views00 comments11 fav

He always sat at the same table, underneath one of the umbrellas, his legs stretched out to their full extent. The man would sit like this, not sleeping, but not doing anything, except sipping on a pineapple juice that the waiter would refill several time


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While the other kids blew bubbles, Maddy clung to my neck. She didn't cry or scream, and she held on loosely, not with the death grip some kids have. For five Wednesday afternoons, Maddy wrapped her pudgy arms over my shoulders and rested her bottom on m

Swimming in the Lagoon

325325 views88 comments77 favs

The smooth, sandy bottom feels soothing underfoot. But there are random patches of quicksand, and if you step into that stuff you’ll plunge straight up to your waist in sticky silt that is crawling with leeches.


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I held on to the edge


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He'd sit or stand, as if this was common to see: in the street walking by, such a man.