1882 3 0
On the fisherman boat, we were told to place the helpless firefly squids in our mouths. I watched cheeks light up like light bulbs and I wondered how barbarism could be so beautiful.
999 2 0
That put a real crimp in our already crimped sex life. Actually I didn’t mind as much as Allison minded. It made her real grumpy when she didn’t get laid. I could never understand how she could bear so much pain, because she was so small that it was l
1432 4 0
That night we slept on the floor of Kirk and Maggie’s apartment and listened to them arguing all night about art and life and love. Ah, me, I sighed, the sad soul of America! I thought of Walt Whitman. I thought of Allen Ginsberg.
46 7 2
“Please do not stand, sit, climb, or sharpie on students,”
1084 4 2
In the summer of 1963 I went to Philadelphia to study with a member of the Philadelphia Orchestra.
1668 15 14
I see those shoes and the status they confer, and I know what they cost.
106 14 1
1264 2 1
My music teacher, Luigi Biagi, told me that he was done with me. He said it was time I moved on to more specialized teachers. Since my passion was composing and arranging, he recommended Al Fine.