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Face it girls, you want to claw my eyes out, don’t you? Or whack me across my 36 DD’s with a golf club, am I right? Well don’t blame me if I’m young, gorgeous, full-breasted and obviously the cat’s meow.
201 4 3
In Paris, the lone skyscraper stands out like a stranger in a schoolyard. In Manhattan and Hong Kong they are packed tight to give them that wow factor. In Doha they cluster together and press themselves upwards. The desert must be fertile.
1126 1 2
...Truth is, it’s because of fabulously wealthy men and women like myself who long ago sucked all the cream out of the bottle, and now we’re coming back for whatever milk remains.
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Breaking News: Noted local writer and very minor celebrity Paul Steven Stone joined a growing list of talentless wannabes to bare skin and a hint of nipple in a shameless attempt to draw attention to his current blog posting. When asked how far he would g
658 2 1
When people drastically change everything about themselves repeatedly, don't they eventually just end up alienating everyone?