Stories tagged sci-fi

Untitled, or Views from the Great Space Preserve

147147 views55 comments22 favs

My great great great great great grand children like to visit to look down on earth and imagine that confusing time between stone age and space age, when we licked rocket pops, drank hot tea, and used our throats to speak.

How the Species Began Again, I

13591359 views00 comments00 favs

Tina saw a tear escape from beneath the frame of the man’s broken glasses. It followed the contour of his cheek until it quivered along his jaw line.

Star Crossed Anglers

907907 views00 comments00 favs

“Got a big one boy! He's movin' real fast! Don't think he has had time to eat the bait just yet, so we need to play him out. Let the hook set. Don't want to loose him! Get the net ready!”

Around a Sun Named Inferno

12361236 views00 comments00 favs

The stupid suit made me look like an angel, which I hated. I wasn't here to save anyone's soul, not that any of the native animal life HAD a soul. If I have a soul myself, it is most likely in need of salvation, and in no way should I be cast in the rol

The Temptress

11041104 views00 comments00 favs

My mystery woman smiles a hidden smile through her mask, and attempts to seduce me with her eyes. She says not a word, but brings up her hand and beckons me with the classic one finger curl that says, “Come hither.” Her eyes make promises, and she turns:


892892 views00 comments00 favs

Redundancy was critical for survival, the builders said, so they designed Us with three cores of memory, each segment fully capable of independent operation.

A Prayer to the Porcelain God

17881788 views00 comments00 favs

In her cleavage, Mark is able to discern a golden heart with the image of an arrow piercing it. A bow is super-imposed over both. “I see you are a devotee of Cupid.” Mark states. “I notice that you are a follower of Bacchus.” Diana winks.

Little Green Rednecks

12611261 views00 comments00 favs

“I was listenin' ta one o' them Terran religious broadcasts 'bout Mother Earth when they up an' says that global warmin' was all the fault o' mankind, an' they had ta make the non-believers see that all the drivin' they did, an' all the stuff they bought

Down on the Pharm

13141314 views00 comments00 favs

I found my patch by accident whilst out picking medicinals ta cover a load o' dead constrictors. I tested the patch in the traditional way an' got a bit stoned on jes' a nibble o' a fresh sprout. Course, everyone knows the sprouts 're more concentrated t

Foo Fighters

14161416 views22 comments00 favs

Without a charge on the skin of the plane, we were struck by the bronze colored orb. Contact was brief, and it seemed as if the orb passed right through the aircraft. Despite the shielding of the equipment, most of it failed. We managed to land by "dead s

three gretchens

941941 views22 comments00 favs

The story of a second, a stone, and an android -- all curiously interrelated and all, coincidentally, named Gretchen

Messages to Mars

17581758 views00 comments00 favs

Babylon Tower is AWESOME! The captain of the ship announced our arrival in time for everyone to view it on the screens. First Class got to view it from the viewing room, and they disembarked first. Steerage got off last. What we saw upon arrival was w

Spiral Jackal #1: Birthday

174174 views00 comments00 favs

74 Quick Sleep, 2087There was no sense of time for them, other than the fact that Corina was born on the day of the incursion. Kenton smiled as he looked upon his youngest daughter, the youngest in their roving band of survivors. She was covered in dirt and debris, as was…

Boise Poetry Slam

971971 views22 comments22 favs

The boy buckled in and told his mom, “No mommy, I can do it myself”

Spiral Jackal #2: Reunion

6060 views00 comments00 favs

Blaine and Lance return with something that will hopefully help their stranded group of family and friends.