102 7 3
Let’s cast a sweeping look across this Apple Isle and see in a valley, little known to the mainland, a garden gnarled like old man’s hands behind a crumbling house of red and ochre brick.
1990 17 9
I have been mother
to a hundred soldiers,
holding their hands
barely knowing
their names
1167 2 1
“What would you get? What should you give a lady who’s one hundred for her birthday?”
1357 5 3
Even though it was late November, it still bloomed. Extravagantly. Obviously it had no shame, obviously it reveled in its own beauty.
94 15 11
I tickled grass. I wanted to
1040 4 3
The blooms are practical/
and cannot see themselves
1010 6 5
Posit butterflies/
as evidence of heavenly design.