68 0 0
La femme petite/Posing for Monet
On a patch of scenery /I lifted my hand/Positioned my wrist
As if holding a brush
60 0 0
The Gourmand slowly led the way /
And her assistants followed, /
Pulling coolers full of delicacies in her wake, /
Pausing at twenty-foot intervals as she stopped to breathe.
1133 1 1
The dance draws deeper
whirling witches weaving rhymes
The fire spits fierce in the falling rain
soon the spell will spill from secret times
30 0 0
Ten past eleven, Delray calls it a night.
1072 0 0
Nurse Smithers straightened Dr. Baumgartner’s feathered head dress. it had slipped down below the caduceus so carefully painted on his forehead by the medical ritual staff.
3 3 0
Spring exploded in delirium filling the air with the perfume of lilacs and cherry blossoms. We walked in silence, listening to the cry of a mourning dove, peepers in the pond and the sound of gravel crunching underfoot. A pair of ducks swam away from the…
1151 10 4
The aisle, nave and/
transept twist themselves/
into an auditorium.