2540 19 13
In China I remembered you only once:the restaurant's speciality, chosenfrom a braid of live varieties,spiraled to the floor while the waiterflayed it with a knife flickedfrom his wrist. The snake made your initialover and over the black tile.What pain? Love's all…
353 28 12
"My body annoys me. It distracts me from myself with its constant needs, never fulfilled. I feed it like a stray cat that’s been there too long."
1580 15 10
. . . quit being so rigid, open up to the pasta.
890 0 0
953 0 0
Lula’s fried chicken should be served on the hem of Jesus’s robe rather than out of a styrofoam box. It’s so good that I kept glancing at the little tray on the steam table, hoping to be hungry again, ready to yank pieces out of the grasp of strangers, to
748 1 1
a poem that unwrapped itself so casually I tucked it under my tongue, just to make sure