1189 4 4
We ask was that me? The one on the corner with his hat tipped to the jaunty side? I've wore hats, I've stood on corners. Am I not jaunty?
1137 4 2
Blankets were always her undoing.
988 1 0
The carnival passed through this hotel one time only, its boarded guests pretending to ignore the smell of outdoor whore in their bedding.
1310 7 1
They were pressing her about the money, it was always about the money.
1067 1 0
Seems hot for a Thursday, doesn’t it?
1109 5 2
I’d made that shot a thousand mental times, and when it counted, I missed. It happens.
1166 10 3
My sixth grade teacher used to tell us all the time about how being poor is nowhere near the same as living in poverty.
1315 6 2
We’re on our way out, my brother and me, to the graveyard.
1052 6 1
1186 5 2
Does the stuff at the dollar store really work as well as the stuff at Calvin Klein?