Stories tagged magazines

Two Little Words

13561356 views88 comments55 favs

I'll never be a Republican Megadonor or a Doomed Aviatrix. But I'm okay with that.

What I Learned From Magazines This Week

11181118 views55 comments44 favs

In his heyday, Burt Reynolds owned $100,000 worth of custom-made toupees.

What I Learned From Magazines This Week

11841184 views33 comments33 favs

At least ten people have been shot by their dogs since 2004, usually in hunting accidents. (AARP Bulletin, January February 2016)If somebody phones you claiming to be with the IRS, it's a scam. The real IRS will only open communications with a taxpayer via the U.S.…

Sleeping Apes and Washing Dishes: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

10811081 views55 comments55 favs

Eat blueberries every day and you'll live to be a 92 year old mogul. Really.

Pablo Picasso and Pornhub: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

10711071 views22 comments22 favs

Reading magazines this week, I learned that:Sally Field dislikes gefilte fish.(Vanity Fair, 3/16)Pornhub, an explicit-video-sharing site, gets 2.4 million visitors per HOUR. (Time, 4.11.16)There are 641 million obese people in the world today. (Time,…

Autobiography 4

151151 views77 comments44 favs

If we wanted to go,/ we went, unaccompanied, or in/ unaccompanied groups of 3 or 4.

Jackie Kennedy, Marge Simpson & Longevity: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

10161016 views88 comments44 favs

The title of the overdue book returned to a public library in San Francisco 100 years after it had been checked out? Forty Minutes Late.(Readers Digest, 04/17)In 1999, Kathy McKeon, Jackie Kennedy's former assistant, went to a Halloween party dressed in a Marge Simpson…

Elvis, Mosquitoes & Marilyn Monroe -- What I Learned From Magazines This Week

12321232 views99 comments99 favs

People usually take fonts for granted.

Silent Noodles, Swimming Pools and the ACLU: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

11491149 views66 comments66 favs

You might want to think twice before inviting Henry David Thoreau to your next dinner party...