1428 6 2
So, when Daddy grabbed that cock by the neck and threw him into the hole that he quick covered with dirt, I knew right then that men would play a subservient role in my life going forward.
86 7 3
If I go out by way of a knitting needle, I’ll be mighty pissed.
1628 6 5
My Grandma caressed
my sleeping Grandfather’s feet
as we sat in his hospital room after hours.
1540 3 1
Sure, it was a hot day, but the driver was in the middle of a driving lesson!
1353 5 5
While the other kids blew bubbles, Maddy clung to my neck. She didn't cry or scream, and she held on loosely, not with the death grip some kids have. For five Wednesday afternoons, Maddy wrapped her pudgy arms over my shoulders and rested her bottom on m
1300 0 0
“For Chrissake! Just get me one of fucking Tony's half-assed, made in China bullshit, getaway cars. My plate is hot!” I had never hated cars so much before. Not so much the cars, but the sound the cheap ones made when they drove past my house. The…