Stories tagged kitchen

The Darkness of White Noise

166166 views99 comments66 favs

I love your free spirit he says.

Boysenberry Jam

735735 views44 comments11 fav

The pantry door squeaked slightly when opened. It sounded like an admonishment. After all, he wasn’t hungry. But he stood there, in his threadbare socks and drawstring pants, staring at the life she had accumulated for them.


107107 views77 comments22 favs

I move about the kitchenbriskly, smoothlypans and whisksflying in my handsefficient harmonypeeling, choppingbringing the ingredientsto their kneesin pleasured gratitude.It is the world I occupythat occupies and sustains me.Will anyone in the Worldknow me when I leave…


120120 views66 comments22 favs

After months of barrenbowls and plateswe sit down to a shared feastwhich tastes like ashes in my mouthas I wonder if I have starved myselfall year just to watch him suffer.

The Secret

1919 views99 comments22 favs

Her hair when she bent over flipped across her face and caused a short but alterable period of sight deprivation. The thought that occurred to her during this brief interval centered on the day her mother came home from work and discovered a horror in the kitchen. To this…


13861386 views55 comments11 fav

“What about the other groups coming here?” I ask. “Were they asked what they wanted in these houses?” She turns and looks at me, like I've suddenly come onto her radar.

Kitchen Scrap

13421342 views55 comments44 favs

Her pudgy face, flour-coated and sugary and so life-nurturing in the past, had a different spark now, a searching look I’d seen as soon as she opened the door.

Reminder To Clean

7171 views22 comments11 fav

In odd intervals a cheery robotic voice cried out,"Hello!" What the hell?


439439 views11 comment00 favs

Like a hotel detective searching for semen stains on the opposite side of the mattress, she turned the rag over several times, holding it out several inches from and above her face.

The Eric Dolphy Marching Band

12111211 views22 comments11 fav

My wife storms into the kitchen with a pink mako shark slung over her shoulder, barking "Dinner!" towards me as I sit on the counter swishing my middle finger through a bowl of sand.

Red Lady Octopus

10771077 views11 comment11 fav

I hand one of them the octopus and run out of the room.

Kitchen Light

916916 views22 comments22 favs

The woman stopped halfway down the stairs and sighed inaudibly. Her hand rested lightly on the bannister, her right foot caught in the motion of standing on the step below. …