1091 0 0
"Being honest with me," said her teacher, "will hopefully allow you to be honest with yourself--writing is about being honest, and articulating that honesty."
It sounded like a riddle, and her teacher looked at her with the sanctimony of a wizard.
1735 4 5
All night the moon had watched him, and he’d been unable to return its stare. Finally there was sunlight, and Joško took up his rifle and rucksack. He had trouble keeping his balance at first, but gradually his legs steadied.
67 2 0
Remember that punk rock group, the Cars? I wonder what happened to their arch-rival group, the Automobiles? It’s no wonder they never got anywhere with a name like that? Who would go to see an Automobile show?
30 2 0
Beware of shouting Dress Barn, Dress Barn! when having an orgasm
Don’t tell him you were seeing Starbucks when you came
It’s just not the same
141 1 0
In an ancient burlesque house the curtain rises. A trio of aged, idiotic vaudevillians takes the stage. They begin performing. Tumbling. Pratfalls. Acrobatics. One grabs his balls and throws up.
947 7 6
They wink at me as if to share/
a cosmic joke whose punch line’s still/
a couple dozen light years out
1061 9 9
How many exceptional people/
does it take to change a light bulb?
2 0 0
He was funny sometimes. A dry kind of funny, you know? The joke without the smile.