1488 7 1
Hi. I'm Shirley. I'm not here to help you. You might think because I wear this ticky-tack name badge that I'm your servant. But I'm not. I'm here at K-mart because my grandson said I need to get out of the house. I wish he'd get out of my house. Here are some survival tips…
1906 6 1
Holly Hope had met Latest Girlfriend once and was
pleased to see that the woman wore stylish dresses, even if
the end results looked like Liz Claiborne had tried to clothe
a cigarette machine.
23 3 1
"... especially around puberty
when they made you strap on
the hot larynx loin cloth with lanyard
puckered as a surgeon’s scrub mask ..."
266 24 6
God forbid someone should need an extra meatball while Grandma scarfed down her food in three seconds flat.
15 0 0
“What is it?” he said lifting up his shoulders to his earlobes and holding them there like they got stuck.
“You’ll see,” I told him, lightly scraping my fingernail kitty-corner across my forehead.
112 6 3
The old man had always known things, was feared and revered up and down the valley for knowing things. I’d heard the stories since the day I was born.
315 1 1
The clang of the police-lock supporting
The door, bids us our welcome,