1121 12 6
Have you heard this yet? The daughter flew home to care for the mother, whose pump is still tick ticking—though now with aid—which means she leaves the kitchen when the microwave clicks on.
348 2 0
the smell of a wood burning stove
drifting over a neat row of houses
1333 4 2
In a small, cozy diner lived a homemade meatloaf. The meatloaf spent its days lounging on a warm plate with some mashed potatoes and sweet corn. Together they watched television, argued about sports, and ate blueberry pie...
213 43 15
And the worst thing about it is that Lucy is the only one who doesn't know.
1018 0 0
At the annual Earth Day celebration, Frieda looked up in the sky and saw a lone goose. It had caught her attention with its call, echoing off the buildings and trees.
1400 29 13
Cinnamon and smoke
infuse the days that shorten,
chill, accelerate.