170 7 8
We wade through the season where hot water masquerades as air.
1357 5 3
Even though it was late November, it still bloomed. Extravagantly. Obviously it had no shame, obviously it reveled in its own beauty.
1198 2 0
Rose, silence her desire when she, in this moment of desire, has passed into the grey and dawdles in the margins of such a hurtful unconventionality. Bend her astray from such a becoming. It would be a horror show: intimate, endless, and bloody, just the
3 0 0
They drop, pale green and yellow,
full of pollen, to cover the pool deck
and coat the surface of the pool,
a shrunken Sargasso Sea come inland.
1098 8 6
They clog the skimmer basket/
and fill the small Polaris bag.
921 3 0
She meets her old dance instructor, named Ira, in the back of a bus that wheezes & squeaks. The passengers seem to deny the small clouds of white exhaust
1285 8 5
For the next two hours, Ed goes nonchalantly about his business, buck naked the whole time. He putters around the house, writes e mails, waters plants, vacuums the rug and sweeps the porch. I pretend to ignore his nudity
147 9 9
The scent of lotus blossoms and chrysanthemum flowers bathed the air.
1042 7 7
we can say all we couldn’t say
when the ears could hear us
97 9 9
I control my breathing and hide from you that I can, and will always forever. I have become expertly capable of hiding, losing myself in drawers and behind houses, beneath the earth inside a hollowed out pine.
1194 5 4
I am a sunflower. I turn my yellow and black face, bruised, to the sun, hoping its light will heal me. With my eyes closed I can see my stamen, veins in my eyelids, bulbous where they intersect. The sun feeds…
37 4 2
I’d offer a catalogue of
daylilies with names
you’d appreciate:
Prairie Blue Eyes
160 9 8
Hello again, sweet morning