My head is nailed to yesterday.
On a visit, Jesus sees bracelets with WWJD. What does that mean? he asks. What Would Jesus Do? they respond. I wouldn’t wear that, he says.
The fire grew fast, kicking up a fierce, scorching wind.
She's speaking again, this time in whispers. Her head is shrinking in on itself. If there is a way to save her I'm not aware of it.
They politely urged him not to get too involved with his creations.
I look down at my free of clothing genitalia and curiously note that the testicles sprout from above my erect penis, and my scrotum is so taut, hard and shriveled as to conjure squished images of a gigantic pink peanut.
The Syringimals were filled to their 60 ml capacity with a gelatinous ocher blood. They fluttered around using sparkly wings stolen from Disney fairies, and attempted language through wax lips that were usually secured with scotch tape.
There is sex, somewhere. Somewhere it is there, hovering and then landing, silent and then singing, singing loud, singing almost as loud as the sun.
Boy wants sex but not with girl. Girl wants sex but not with boy.
The supervisor, sensing the fear in me, pats my hand and says "Never you mind! This is normal in the tomato. Every few days we rile up, make sauce, and regrow again. Have you ever been in spaghetti sauce before?"
Suddenly the auditory havoc dies down and she falls into a loop, saying BANANA CREME PIES FOR SIXTY PERCENTS over and over.
So what if she sleeps with the boss.
She hadn’t died. She wasn’t a ghost. She wasn’t even invisible. She just wasn’t see-able.
Grady Quail wondered why God didn't just have another son