Stories tagged flash-fiction


7171 views1212 comments88 favs

Three Indians stood by the locked door of the save-me-Jesus mission, waiting for someone to carry them either home to Four Corners or to paradise.

Dear Ms Carnation-Noble

4040 views1010 comments55 favs

In fact, I have no doubt that, owing to the colorful obscurity of your prose, you have more than a little opium in your veins.


585585 views11 comment00 favs

Even though he preferred to wear fishnet stockings under his jeans at work and was always talking about how his ex-girlfriend refused to pee on him, I kind of liked him.


125125 views99 comments88 favs

A wrinkled man rested atop an ivory clad mattress.

The Queue

11501150 views22 comments11 fav

She persisted. “How long have we been here?” A note of anger crept into his voice. “How long? How long? Why …, why ….” He swallowed hard, realized he had forgotten.

Butterfly Down! ™

7474 views2323 comments1010 favs

"God is perfect. We are not! Slam dunk! ‘Nuff said. "

things to know about the people parked along the road that runs though Humboldt Park: part 19

11831183 views44 comments33 favs

And he was wearing a mask. Gorilla mask over his gorilla face.

Wrestling with Genetics

23722372 views6868 comments3333 favs

I know he's an accident waiting to happen.

Begin the Beguine

218218 views3535 comments2121 favs

The story will find its own way.

Sewage Tank

6060 views99 comments66 favs

One of the biggest mistakes he'd ever made was licking that light post, the one just outside the x-rated theatre on Delaney Street. He'd attended church that night at the chapel down the road, said, "The sermon set my hair afire," and he meant it, literally. I heard…


14091409 views66 comments44 favs

You're thinking I don't have a conscience, right? I'm asking you.

The End of the World

16101610 views88 comments1010 favs

I find driftwood, long, smooth logs washed up on the beach, drag them to dunes still wet from the sea...

Startled by Towels

10351035 views22 comments11 fav

I woke up when the smoke alarm insisted. Either the curtains were on fire or I hadn't changed the battery.

Brokedown on I55

4848 views00 comments11 fav

"You're an asshole," you said to me. "A giant, festering orifice."

Don't ask. Don't tell. Unspoken human conversations #42

4444 views22 comments22 favs

He said nothing, held her hand, wept.