Stories tagged feelings


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"If only we could all look like that." "Truly lovely … such a perfect face." The gallery was busy that day. But still the man and woman stood.

my apartment needs more culture

10291029 views00 comments00 favs

the first night we visited/ i stepped on a splinter/ while walking to the car/ and half-limped back,/ hiding a wince.

All The Right Steps

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"I didn’t take my mother’s denial of my dream lightly. I wanted it desperately. I cried and pleaded, nagged and begged. On several occasions, I temperamentally got out of the car at a stop sign and walked. Once, my mother said that I was nagging her so mu

Engineer Boots, Leather Jackets & Tight Blue Jeans

101101 views22 comments11 fav

As you pump the brakes to the cadence of the song, you look at me. Whoever says brown eyes are mundane, has never seen your eyes that day. Everything changes, almost instantly, with those eyes and that faint glimmer I feel only I could see.

Waitress Hopping

12071207 views33 comments33 favs

Or, today, when early summer sweated the long pants off every woman under the age of thirty. Did I notice the way you looked at them for one, two, three seconds; then didn't, partial to short-shorts. It was sly how you kept them in your line of sight, alm