69 2 1
Now, heaven help the man who doesn’t bow to a Semite woman from the tribe of Esther. No sir, death is never an option with them because it would put a premature end to the suffering.
981 0 0
No one wanted to bear witness
to this grand emasculation
343 10 9
Memphis’ man. Androgynous scam.
Colonel Tom's Cadillac King.
1736 11 5
“This is not turning out to be a wholesome project,” my brother hissed into the phone one night.
“Yo, Alan, it’s ELVIS. It’s American gothic, and the child needs to know the underbelly of the myth,” I hissed back.“Did you, or did you not, wear makeup to
1239 0 0
"You look awfully familiar," said one of the corrupt oil company execs to the dark-haired man with the sunglasses and big sideburns.
73 2 1
She clutched it tightly at all times, guarding not against the theft of what minimal amount of money it contained, but rather to protect the objects that rendered it less of a purse and more of a first-aid kit for administering religion to folks she beli
1185 6 6
You might want to think twice before inviting Henry David Thoreau to your next dinner party...
782 14 10
It was 14:24 official eBay time. Louise had spent hours looking at over 30,000 items under “Elvis Memorabilia"