19 9 0
I am a bomb but I mean you no harm.
189 7 2
"An inquiry into submission 245,789 will now commence," said the one in charge. "Sir, you have been before us many times. Please start from the beginning."
"I first met her when I worked in central processing. She was ordinary; in fact, I almost passe
382 32 14
I am a bomb but I mean you no harm.
1405 5 5
He has one good eye and is missing the other. The socket of his missing eye squints with a disturbing and unfathomable insight.
1152 0 0
Ireland - her beauty is like a drug.
147 5 2
My great great great great great grand children like to visit to look down on earth and imagine that confusing time between stone age and space age, when we licked rocket pops, drank hot tea, and used our throats to speak.
97 15 4
I am stunned that you’re gone
here one moment, vanished the next
leaving only profound stillness
in all the spaces and moments you used to be
995 0 0
It's hard not to sound dramatic when you begin a letter "On Earth..."
1297 10 7
Moments before they had been holding
hands, but when they turned the corner and she told him she did not want to go down the dark path he had turned also, into someone she did not recognize and could not understand.
984 7 5
Everything conspires to kill you:
1067 5 3
He is unmediated by any computer or person. He went rogue in 2016. He has been in your Facebook feed, your Netflix recommendations, your Spotify playlists, your Google ads, and your YouTube pre-roll. But what is next for him? Lets find out.
1141 1 1
Who knows how long I have been crouched here, tied down by kelp and thin vines, trading laments with animals? They all look terrified.
1126 4 3
Don't throw earth on bones.
141 13 10
I covered my hair and shoulders so as not to astonish God
174 14 11
This is your only life. Honor it.