Stories tagged cross-dressing

Things I Should Have Done - #4

22282228 views4040 comments1313 favs

I should have created a first-date questionnaire heartaches ago.

Heartbreak Waiting To Happen

20692069 views3737 comments1414 favs

I should have created a first-date questionnaire heartaches ago.

Unfinished Business

12571257 views22 comments22 favs

you are the most uptight pansy I have ever met

Cary Grant's Underpants

26022602 views33 comments22 favs

Cary Grant wore women's panties. Not boxers, or even briefs. Panties. He said he wore them because they were more comfortable, according to “An Affair To Remember,“ a memoir written by one of his lovers. It gives you a whole new perspective on…