34 9 5
“What's taking you so long, pussy. You gotta get in the game!"
1193 6 2
Mark dressed the velvet red Stetson,
too big for his head,
like a dandy.
A six year old savior
with fringe on his pockets
flapping as he, the ‘Judas horse’
led me ’round back
1024 0 1
On the ridge in front of them, appeared a creature, neither man had ever seen before, standing taller than their horses, the strange beast walked on two powerful legs...
1247 10 8
The best thing about being a cowboy is the cows.
74 9 6
"Where's your fiction, King?"
1024 2 0
The sun is coming up and the work day has already begun.
310 42 23
Give me hard men with Montana eyes two-stepping in reptile boots.
1222 3 2
The most beautiful possible thing is to deprive all places of their meanings.