Stories tagged cooking

The Inheritance

2121 views22 comments00 favs

And her mother’s question, ‘why do you take a paternal view, seeking to update those who came before us, when it is we who are the children of them’


107107 views77 comments22 favs

I move about the kitchenbriskly, smoothlypans and whisksflying in my handsefficient harmonypeeling, choppingbringing the ingredientsto their kneesin pleasured gratitude.It is the world I occupythat occupies and sustains me.Will anyone in the Worldknow me when I leave…


120120 views66 comments22 favs

After months of barrenbowls and plateswe sit down to a shared feastwhich tastes like ashes in my mouthas I wonder if I have starved myselfall year just to watch him suffer.


16131613 views88 comments66 favs

I was good-looking, marketable and ambitious. And that never hurt anyone cracking it big ...

Six Months

626626 views66 comments22 favs

Bobby raises his wine glass in a toast, I raise mine in return, and we touch them lightly to each other, oh so lightly, as if we are afraid the glass will shatter.

Kitchen Scrap

13511351 views55 comments44 favs

Her pudgy face, flour-coated and sugary and so life-nurturing in the past, had a different spark now, a searching look I’d seen as soon as she opened the door.

Late November

16321632 views1717 comments99 favs

“I found a recipe on the net and now my hair smells of pumpkin.”


439439 views11 comment00 favs

Like a hotel detective searching for semen stains on the opposite side of the mattress, she turned the rag over several times, holding it out several inches from and above her face.

Onion Butt

4242 views11 comment11 fav

The onions are cut in half and sliced thin.