1492 2 1
If you know how, all bodies can be read like books, like poems, like scraps of song
6 0 0
I grabbed the overhead rail, flexing my biceps and easing my pelvis in his direction.
1292 4 1
I’m squatting naked over the hand mirror, feet cold on the terrazzo floor, looking at my winking arsehole.
1169 9 7
They rise up, a sullen, sorrowful/
army of reproach, staring,//
stone-faced but eyed with fire.
350 6 5
its fire wet language singing in my mouth.
1126 8 5
"the dark velvet slide of the tongue."
1175 14 6
He hates this body no less now/
than he did at 14 for its pudginess/
and the hair that can’t conform