Stories tagged autism

Fortune's No Favor

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At 12:00, his wife called. Right on schedule. But he didn't hear the phone--the Bose headphones did their job. He saw his call-light blinking, saw her number on the caller ID, then watched as the voice mail notification went live. He kept eating and r


123123 views1717 comments44 favs

I love you mummy, don’t think I don’t love you because I don’t say it.

Dance 'round an Invisible Fire

994994 views00 comments00 favs

“Do we really want to treat her? Is she even really sick, or does she live in a country as real as ours, but one we can never visit?”

Father's Day

13191319 views22 comments22 favs

“What the hell, bitch?” The words rolled out of my aching jaw. I twisted my legs around, kicking Lila out of the bed. She screamed, crashing to the floor. All I heard was barking. I threw a pillow at her.

Gasoline in E-minor

9797 views22 comments00 favs

Don't ignore me. You saw the man, you saw the woman, you saw their car. They have food wrappers on their dash and furniture in the back of their car. Observe, report, analyse. "Yes, that will be ATM."

500 Years and Back

7979 views44 comments33 favs

Steven will probably quit when he gets to the new office. He’ll probably never even make it all the way there. Instead, he’ll leave a Steven-shaped hole in the side of the building that maintenance will never get around to patching up.