Seven black and orange Tortoise-shell kittens nursed in a crate the day Sue returned from rehab, to her parent's Atlanta home.
The old house smelled like copies of Life and Reader's Digest and Leica catalogs and my grandfather's nonfiction books.
The judge looked at Darren and frowned. But just as His Honor was about to speak, a man entered the room through a door behind the bench, approached the judge, and bent to whisper in his ear.
I got your card in the mail via my ex-wife in Saskatoon. On it you wonder where I am, if I am still writing, and if I have any stories I would send for you to look at because you think I should be published, too.
He strapped the Genghis Khan style helmet to his head. The storm had stopped, leaving in its long wake a path of water logged trees, their leaves giant green sponges with raindrops that dripped through cotton candy fog. The new mound of earth, cold grass disturbed. He…
Atlanta, 1990The night we almost died,crushed at a one-hit wonder concert,comes back to mewhen the club announces it's closing.An ancient excelsior millturned industrial dance hall,I spent three years mapping every dark corner, finding secret places for sex and…