Stories tagged antarctica


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In her dreams she lived in a rice grain. A virus was her lover.

to reggie, antarctic baby daddy

99 views77 comments00 favs

Dear Reginald, What I want to know is where you proposed to that woman who will be your wife. Was it Shackleton's hut? Was it where we heard the Weddell seals? Was it the McMurdo greenhouse where you keep the tomatoes and flowers? You jammed me into the…


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We knew the future was there, that it lay out in space but it too seemed frozen, shimmering just on the horizon of the last sun we will see for months. We were trapped, most of us scientists, the rest barely even seamen. This was Antarctica, 1897.

to reggie, antarctic baby daddy

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What I want to know is where you proposed to that woman who will be your wife. Was it Shackleton’s hut? Was it where we heard the Weddell seals? Was it the McMurdo greenhouse where you keep the tomatoes and flowers?

to reggie, antarctic baby daddy

4141 views1414 comments77 favs

What I want to know is where you proposed to that woman who will be your wife. Was it Shackleton's hut? Was it where we heard the Weddell seals? Was it the McMurdo greenhouse where you keep the tomatoes and flowers? You jammed me into the basil and came a


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I don't have the feelings of self-worth a young woman should have, Monica Lewinsky tells the nation. She seems to understand there will always be some amount of ice beneath her.

Part IV. Answers in Antarctica

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I didn’t think the waters of Antarctica would be so cold. This was yet more proof that even well-educated people like myself can be terribly dumb. I recall it all these decades later: staring up at a glacier large enough to hold a ski resort and thinking,