Stories tagged 9-11

Intangible Vectors of Influence (from "Emergency: Three Romances")

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The young cop says, “Sorry ma’am, you’ll have to wait.” In the strobing red-blue glare he looks like a teenager. Melissa wonders if Tony had looked so young when he started, all those years ago.

We are walking outside together

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Time ran in a direction it never ran before and then he said, "The building fell out of the sky."

In Memoriam

15791579 views1111 comments1212 favs

...even unbelieving prayer muttered with quiet resigned breaths can not foretell or forestall stains...

Upstairs on Montague Street

13011301 views22 comments00 favs

Benton showed her his old room, a shrine of old posters and records. But it had been cleaned out, made to look like a guest room. “Kiss me,” Benton said. “April.” “That was just a name, so don't get any…

After: An All American, Post 9-11 Love Poem

11951195 views11 comment33 favs

After he got on one knee, and she said, I do. After they watched the televised bombs disappear the city. After everyone fell asleep. After shock and awe, him and her making love…

The Little Dog from Outer Space

15071507 views1111 comments88 favs

I looked at her, shook my head and tried to smile. She smiled back, beaming a radiance that pushed away the chill.