213 2 0
My father was a writer and a great man, and his father was a writer,
as was the one before him, and he was a great writer, too.
45 0 0
Is there one who understands me?
2108 19 5
I sprawl, I spill and I splutter
55 4 1
The serious writer is working on his first novel.
2795 2 2
Foxes haunted her dreams. Islands full of foxes, truckloads of vixen.
68 10 3
The serious writer lifts his ideas like limp lychees from anywhere and anyone.
1348 8 0
The serious writer looks back on a long and distinguished career as an herbologist.
53 6 2
Two writers sat down for a meal, carefully avoiding any talk of their art.
1739 17 6
Every time I read a great line by another writer, I feel fear.
123 35 11
The serious writer has a hamster. The hamster is dying.
1177 4 0
And without further ado, The Author.
23 0 0
In a small room on the third floor of a seemingly ancient apartment complex downtown lives a young man named Antony. Poor Antony is the only son of middle-class parents who live far from his…
21 3 2
Whatever you say, thought the undaunted young unicorn.
1133 0 0
And there sat one man. Searching for words and solace. The silence returned and the colors peeled off from the walls. Darkness returned with fledgling light. He threw back his head and filled the emptiness with his laugh. He laughed in mirth and in misery
1332 5 1
Blinking, Eleanor frowned at the words she’d uttered. They were absurd… foolish. Unequivocally unscientific, but beautiful nonetheless. The notion of the sunless hours embodied as a clumsy artist struck the student as interesting.