61 1 0
In Rhodesia they Saw it fit to fling—‘kaffir', If black it…
2 0 0
In Rhodesia they
Saw it fit to fling—‘kaffir’,
If black it applied.
1107 0 0
the darkness held frieghtened by the surveillance of a distant white shimmer.
51 2 1
My senses are engaged in the moment;
361 3 1
And then the fists were flying and because the bar is so damn small, the bar stools fell over, and the tables caught them, and the drinks fell to the floor and the two men grappled, half in the bar, half on the street.
496 0 0
He was hauled in on a white cloth, pulled up by four men on each corner. Killzone wondered why the cloth was white. It made it too obvious he was bleeding. He didn't want his men to see his wounds. None of them. But, even heroes bleed. He was zoning in and out of…
500 0 0
When they arrived at the base it was a quarter passed twelve in the afternoon. The sun sat right above the city. Rays of hope and triumph reflected off of Class 3 Assault Rifles and military vehicles capable of packing enough punch to put a hole in your motivation.…
139 4 4
It doesn't matter what we wear because all of us are pink and red on the inside.
59 4 3
monstrous chameleon, / schizophrenic Janus
1206 9 8
Like the swift night-black blue of a cormorant as it suddenly dips into a rush of white cold water,eyeing its possible food, we too sweepdown on what we think we see, rising wet sometimes with the reward,or hapless, dripping, we try again.