Stories tagged violation


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Everyone is botching everything, even the rescue team. They can't get to me. I am surrounded by people who don't know a fatal wound when they see one. I am so determined to live that I become bossy.

Forgiveness In Strokes

546546 views22 comments11 fav

He sat on the seat furthest away and could not look me in the eye. Nor could he even glance in my general direction. He put one leg over the other and tried to speak. He shifted his weight. He crossed his arms across his board chest. He…

Squirm & Bruise: My Mom and Dad

386386 views00 comments00 favs

"You had to do something back then, so I joined the Coast Guard!" he said, as though anybody said both. "My mother got us evicted!" she said, neglecting that this means homeless and ruined.