1058 2 0
Just thinking aloud, really. And by aloud, I mean typing for someone to read haha.
1615 6 2
1075 1 0
Dylan’s arms flung forward as the rod bent toward the ocean. “Holy God! What did I snag?
156 2 1
I can only hear it when I strain my ears,
899 2 2
these fleeting
moments of insanity.
1038 4 4
the view is
breathtaking here.
1349 6 3
1150 4 2
Floating in liquor only to drown the next morning.
190 3 2
Leaving this black and white world for a world full of color, /in search of that endless summer.
1031 2 1
I go with the wind, like the smoke of this Marlboro red as it dances among the palm trees.
4 3 0
Driving home at midnight, on a night so dark, so wild. Headlights can't pierce the gateway to oblivion. Moon and stars peek out through storm clouds. A black hole in the dead of night, swallows all light back into itself. The same late night DJ on two different…