so I tighten hands with my castaway and say/you failed to impress in your folded peacock dress
Ono doubted Seriality made any sense for reality, but it was fine for fiction.
Tokyo is the dream we never had.
Rosea plays a bohemian plainsong for the cosmonauts among us, while her fuzzy apple hips spit glitter, spin strobes: pink shades of pantyline flicker; lip-licked neon hues scrape strings in B sharp, a gloomy clue.
Can you see the rut? Can you dig your fingers into the flesh?
She overcomes herself on the day of the spectacle, clown paint, unmoving amid a rumble of trains and screens, video logs and snapshots, live blogs from phones wet with lotion. This is Tokyo. Facial masks. Bare flaking paint in streams. Stardust.
She dips a toothpick in ink, running prick over paper, simply to prove herself wrong.