1822 0 0
Every trip her mother leaves it until then: Shouldn’t she look for an apartment in a better area; shouldn’t she try for a job with some future? “And, you know, someday you could get married, Carmen.”
1723 1 0
Before I was 18 years old, in my small home town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, I invented the designer jean...
1414 4 3
...I grew up in a provincial town which at the time had no bookstore and no library — no library even at school...
2223 2 1
The child began to think only of the reason for being there in the cave, summoned up patience and continued to wait...
1412 4 4
When I was 10 or 11, some people thought that my father was my grandfather, that my brother was my father, and that my mother was my sister!
1490 9 4