Stories tagged stroke


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They had been wintering on the Cape under gunmetal skies...

"Brava! Brava!"

15081508 views88 comments66 favs

I woke to a crash and the sound of coins rolling along the linoleum. “Mom?” She did not look up. Her shaking hand was gathering up the single crown coins, the fifty heller pieces. Triumphantly she rescued a ten crown note from the piggy bank shards. …


13001300 views1010 comments77 favs

I reached for that hair and the air zagged white...


12271227 views33 comments11 fav

It was a phone call we never expected. You were so full of life and joy and the sound of your laugh was pierced in our minds. Two strokes. That's what they said. No explanation, no back story. We worried we would lose you. Immediately, all of our memories with you started…


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The stifling August heat smacked Brady Kaufman awake. He tried to move, thought he felt the trailer's linoleum flex under his weight. After two attempts at leveraging himself using a scabbed-over elbow, he gave in and relaxed with his shoulders pressed to the splintered…